Friday, December 02, 2005

Christmas Quiz

Here is a Christmas Quiz for you all.
Please post your answers as a comment.

1. The Christmas tree was once known as?
a. Life tree b. Holly tree
c. Christ tree d. Party tree

2. Who was the first person to decorate trees with candles,
to show his children what stars looked like a night?
a. Martin Luther b. Galileo Galilei
c. Napoleon Bonaparte d. George Bush

3. Evergreens are traditionally the symbol of?
a. Winter b. Mints
c. Eternal Life d. Plankton

4. In the word Xmas the X stands for?
a. The Cross b. Never
c. The Roman Numeral 10 d. The Greek letter Chi

5. The early Colonists considered Christmas to be?
a. A Christian Holiday b. A waste of money
c. A pagan ritual d. A Feast Day

6. What department store was responsible for creating Rudolph?
a. Walmart b. Montgomery Ward
c. Toys R Us d. Hallmark

7. The American tradition of poinsettia at Christmas time was started by?
a. Dr. Joel Poinsett, the first US ambassador to Mexico
b. The Grinch, the first person to try and steal Christmas
c. Mary Pointsettia, the first woman to plant the flower in America
d. Professor John Poppy, the man who discovered the flower

8. The first instrument used to play Silent Night was?
a. piano b. bag pipes
c. flute d. guitar

9. The U.S. Congress declared Christmas a Federal Holiday when?
a. 1870 b. 1910
c. 1776 d. 1935

10. Which of these songs was not originally a Christmas carol?
a. Joy to the World b. Jingle Bells
c. Grandma got run over by a reindeer d. Go Tell it on the Mountain

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