Friday, July 27, 2007

So Much for blogging Regularly

*yawn* I am bored right now. It is my day off of work today, So
I am very happy about that. ^_^........ So I am bored. :P I am very excited to see the results of the new poll (if anyone decides to vote). I spent forever typing it out. :P

Someday I'll redo the layout, today would be a good day, but I am feeling a bit lazy. I guess I should actually blog about something of importance.
*goes to* Look at this headline:"Aquafina Labels to Give Source: It's Tap Water". So how many people are going to sue Aquafina for bottling tap water and then labeling it as bottled water. I don't see why people buy bottled water anyway, drink tap water, or buy a filter, it will be much cheaper in the long run. Unless you are buying it for emergency food or something like that, which few people do anyway.
*goes back to*
This looks interesting...... Girl finds $20,000 ring
Well, I personally think it is stupid to carry anything over $1,000 on your person, let alone $20,000. But this lady was very lucky these people found the ring. Anyway, I am done commenting on the strange stories of the day. :P
So Good night everybody!
Please ignore it is only 2:30 P.M. right now. :P