Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Happy Birthday Danielle!

Yesterday was Danielle's ninth birthday! She went to camp snoopy with lilly and a friend. While they did that, I did my favorite thing to do in the whole world, Shopping!!!!!!!!!!! O.K. Maybe it was kinda boring, But window shopping in America's symbol of imperislistic capitilism is pretty cool, or largest mall, whatever you want to call it. We finally made all the cookies on Christmas eve, all the delicious sugar cookies! They are all so sweet and tasty! Delicious sugar that fules all us! the gold among all the metals of cooking! we salute you Sugar! What happened to my poultry fan club? I was loved by all the chickens!Now they are gone. Oh well. *disco ball floats in the air*
*I will survive starts to play* I will post forever! hahahahahahahahahha. The end
Oh and Cheeseball. If you don't know, don't ask. oh, and new york;)


Anonymous said...

Guess what, I'm back!! Your not-so-chicken fan club is alive and kickin'. Say happy birthday to Danielle for me-although she probably doesn't even know who I am-oh wait, neither do you! Haha!! Although, you and I both know someone who does know my true identity.

Rexford said...

Yay! My poultry fan base is back! ^_^ Yes! You have slipped a crucial fact about your identity!
* I will survive plays for no reason* If you are who I think you are then the person who knows me and you is related to the dude! Haha! Be on the look-out for my league of cat-ninjas who will soon be researching all known leads and possiblities. We will get the dirt on dude!*laughs Manically* Muhahahahahahahaha and Haha!

Anonymous said...

I am not afraid of your leage of "cat-ninjas" I also did not slip up. Thank you very much. Maybe the dude knows my identity and maybe not. Hope you had a poultry free Christmas and a lead free New Year.