Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Lilly! (Oct 2nd)
Happy Birthday Geneva (Oct 4th)
Happy Birthday Little Eddie! (Oct 4th)
Happy Birthday To one of my neighbors (Oct 4th)

Such a lot of Birthdays ^_^ Lilly is now Eleven, and Geneva is now *sniff* four.
Geneva is not allowed to be this old. :( We celebrated Lilly's Birthday last Friday. My Grandparents also came to celebrate ^_^. For Lilly's Birthday, My Mom made a Pumpkin pie (which I hear was good), a Pecan pie (which was really good), and a blueberry pie(which was really really good ^_^). My Grandma brought a apple pie (which was really good) and a Peanut butter pie. (Yuck!) We then celebrated Geneva's Birthday, My Grandma brought a delicious Hy-vee birthday cake for Geneva ^_^.

I have started work, I worked two days last week. I did something that was like a training session. (but it wasn't). Now what I do for work, does not exert any substantail amount of energy. (Okay, I might have to pick up a loaf of bread)
But a hour after I get home, I become EXTREMELY tired and lose the will to do anything. I don't even feel like talking :P.

Anyway, soon Ethan, Isaac, and Danielle will be testing for their red belts very soon. My Mom, Dad, and Lilly will be testing to get the red stripe off their Black Belts. That means Geneva and I are the only people not testing. I'll probably test for my Black Belt in Febuary. God willing, and if I can improve that much, and If I keep a job long enough to pay for it. Anyway, I need to fix the link to Lykatchy's blog, she keeps on changing it.
Bye for now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's not my fault i keep on changing it!!! okay, yes it is.