Monday, October 16, 2006

100th post!

That is right people this is our 100 post. I would Like to thank everyone for reading my blog for the past year ^_^ 100 posts *dances* Today we will show you a wonderful new movie!
It is Silly Wars, a spoof of star Wars with horrible special effects and the worst acting you've ever seen (outside of Napoleon dynamite) But first. The blog.
Being that this is the hundrenth post, all three of us shall blog in one post ^_^

O.K. I now have a new job, my first job didn't work so well, but I now have a even better job at a even more secret location ^_^
The spiders are dancing! the movie will start. It is kinda dark, but it is our first movie.


Here is part two, if it loads correctly ^_^

Wasn't that amazing! ^_^

Now Ethan and Isaac will blog with the after movie blog!

He is making me do this.
Well now back to buisness, If you can call it buisness.
In honor of the 100th post, I shall create cans doing a can-can

Copyright 2000-2006 Neopets, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Used With Permission
Yes, that is right I do neopets. I have been doing it for a
little over 2 years and I really enjoy it.
Only join if you are actually going to take care of your pets.
I also tested for my red belt a little over a week ago.
Oh and my younger siblings hate the word "baked goods"
I don't know why but it drives them crazy.
Well that is the end of my section
but I think I will have another can-can.

Copyright 2000-2006 Neopets, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Used With Permission

Hi hi yeah good evening yeah O.K. Today I am going to talk about *dreams* @_@ yeah!.
Hey! and did you know this is our 100th post yeah!!! *Applause* well here are some dreams

Me in China!
O.K. I was in China (for no apparent reeaon) and someone was following me so I ran. As I was running I went into a shopping mall."I lost them!" I thought. Then suddenly I saw them so again I ran! I found a fridge so I went inside. then they oppened the door (they happened to be a guy with two kids) then the guy stuffed me in a black trash bag. Then one of the kids said
*dad can we eat him now* I screemed! then I woke up.

more *dreams* @_@ from Isaac some other time yeah. goodnight.-_-
Umm yeah, see why I blog most of the time. Good night everybody!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your on youtube? what's your username?