Friday, June 16, 2006


That's right, it's anagram time ^_^ Due to my extreme frustration at MSNBC. I have given (uncovered) them their real name. My cat ninjas have discovered that MSNBC stands for Mindless Snotty Nepotistic Brainwashers Community. I'm such a genius ^_^. Well I was going to give you guys a link to see Ann Coulter on Jay Leno (very funny segment), but the video was removed for *cough* Copyright Infringement *cough*. Can't you people just say because "We don't like Ann Coulter" I should provide physiological treatment for you people. (not my regular reader[s]) I'd be good at it too. *yawn* Well, I need inspiration *turns on Mindless Snotty Nepotistic Brainwashers Community* commercial. Darn! Well, what else is there? Why don't we start out with my morning? I got up a 8:00 and ate a bowl of cereal. Then I armed my self with a cloth and cleaned the upstairs. Then I went to TKD and then to the pool. Then I went home ate supper and blogged. Well, that was my day in four sentences, sad. Anyway I'm losing my friend from France soon, she is coming back to the U.S. Yay! I should play a devious trick on her

Well that was a long paragraph :P let's have a short one for a change :)

Anyway, I shall just tell you all the Identity of the DUDE. Devious Underestimated Dark Entity. But I bet you wanted a name and number. The DUDE's name and phone number is [Blog Ended due to copyright infringement]

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