Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Dentists and orthodontists

Ok let's rewind to yesterday wirring noise. Yesterday I went to the orthodontist and got set up to get my teeth stuff done. After that I went to the doctor and me Lilly and Danielle got our shots scary huh. Well I went first because I was the eldest. The first one was a polio shot and I promise that one did not hurt I even looked to see if she was doing it and she did( I think that is because this was the best nurse I have ever seen). After that one I had a I don't know what shot and almost passed out (which freeked Danielle out) that was very scary.
Anyways I do not like anything not normal being put into my body like medicine or drugs. Then there is Lilly who on her first shot (which was hep. B.)some blood was taken out accidentally so they had to do one on the other arm. And Danielle had a hard time but got she got the shot. and today I got spacers in my teeth. Thank you for your patronage.

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