Sunday, September 04, 2005

A Slight Case of Insomnia

I haven't blogged in over a week! So here's what's happened Last week (Make it a week and half) My Grandparents came from SD To Spend time with us and go to the state fair. I find the state fair quite boring, its like Window shopping except it's dirty everywhere. I mean really, Who likes Window shopping! all you do is look at things you cannot afford! My grandpa got to be on the radio with Todd Friel(Spelling?) for a short time, He did really good impressions of Ronald Reagan and Bill Blith(Clinton's real last name) unfortunately he couldn't muster up a George W. Bush or a John Khon(Kerry's real last name),The following week was boring until the weekend when my other Grandparents came over. We went out to eat, and my Other Grandpa made some Fantabulous Tae Kwon Do Thingys to hang up in our School, unfortunately my Grandma had a terrible headache the entire day of Saturday. School Starts on Tuesday! How will we survive? putting facts and knowledge into our already omniscient teenage minds? Now if you are wondering about my Vonderful title, I have just dedecated my life to becoming a Vampire! Just Kidding, It is now 12:30 A.M. And I am not tired at ALL! not at all you hear me! NOT AT ALL! I DON'T HAVE A PROBLEM! I tried reading my Bible, which I hear makes you tired when you read it. well that had no effect on me at all, kinda bitter-sweet isn't it. NO PROBLEM I"LL BLOG! Blogging isn't working either! Maybe I will read some of "How to talk to A Liberal" by Ann Coulter or "Treason" by Ann Coulter, or a reacent Coulum by Ann Coulter! I do'n haVE NO PROBLEM! You should really read those books they are fantabulous books about the truth! not hate speech!
Rant rand trant rant rant rANT RATN TANR RANT RANT RANT RANT RANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My dad was going to wake me up to do something at 3:00 hopefully I will be asleep by then. Rant rant rant rant! and rant!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

O.K. Rexford, maybe you weren't tired enough to sleep but it is obvious that it was LATE and your very creative side was at work while you blogged!