Wednesday, September 14, 2005


I have been so busy from before and after my slight case of insomnia. So here we go!
First up is a VERY IN-DEPTH (NOT!) review of Star Wars 3. If you haven't' seen it yet in theaters and are waiting for it to come out on DVD, rent it first unless you are a HARDCORE star wars geek. The movie it self was very boring, It didn't draw you in or anything like that, kinda like watching a episode of Teletubbies. you couldn't connect with anyone you just watched blah blah blah. Even the Fight scenes were boring! Worst of all were the lines such as "Only the sith speak in absolutes" (spoken by obi wan) Which was a terrible cheap shot on your president and was in itself a absolute statement! Liberal Hollywood for ya! last week we started school, School is very physically demanding for some strange reason, it sucks the very life out of your soul like a vaccum! well not that bad, but still. I could bore you more talking about school but*presses FF button* Now we arrive to Thursday on which we go to omaha for a TKD tornament; Friday; We go to the Omaha zoo! It was very stinky! Don't you love how great a reviewer I am! We saw many animals incuding a Kiwi that tried to dig under to fence and get us!
and a Tiger that stood up againt the Window and looked so cute! it was just like one of my cuddly cat Ninjas! FF to Saturday, The day of the tournament , Isaac, Lilly ,and I each won a Gold medal in Sparring and a bronze in forms! My mom did the best with Gold in sparring and forms! Go Mom! FF to Monday I took my first Behind the Wheel lesson, which according to my Mom has improved my driving! I can't stay in my lane though:( *cry* FF to Tuesday- Wendsday boring all about school, I will show you all a poem I had to make for school though.

Land of...

Brilliant shining seashores with serene sands.

Fabulous forests that are replanted faster then they are cut!

Majestic mountains that loom over all the lands.

Raging rivers that cut many ruts.

Vast rolling plains created by God's hands.

AMERICA , land of

Patriotic people who died for freedom

Young people who fluently and freely write flattering poems about America

The free and the brave

God Bess America,

My Home Sweet Home.

Rexford Semrad

I have to go to bed now. Good Night! Record for longest post!

1 comment:

Rexford said...

As I told you before IT WAS NOT A
KIWI!!! 1. kiwis are brown 2. kiwis are native to Australia and New Zealand 3. you yourself saw that the sign said it was a diffirent* bird. It was probably a casowary*.

* miss-spelled