Wednesday, April 08, 2009


The famous dictionary that everyone uses is states the meaning of "mlech" as

1: The feeling one gets when he has an important decision to make

2: A cat that has sat in the sun for a long time

3: An Imaginary word by Rexford that means whatever he wants.

That sums up how I feel right now. One month till my first year of college is over!!!!!

On a much happier note, I cooked stuff today!!! I tried a new receipe for my favorite food in the world, Pad Thai. ^_^

Doesn't it look delicious? O.K. Maybe that wasn't the best picture ever, but I plated it awesomely! Plus it didn't taste too bad either.

Kudos to Isaac for being my Sous chef.

If you double click the picture, (I think, don't quote me on this) it will get much bigger, then it really will look delicious! ^_^

May everyone's dreams be filled with pad thai!