Friday, July 22, 2005

Our brand new door!

If you've been to our house you know about our back door. This door is older than my parents (But not yours) and is known for requiring a great deal of strength to open. If my sisters were at marrying age my dad would have the potential suitors attempt to open the door and succeed as a requirement. The door would constantly come off the track. I would have to fix it at least once a day. Being a old door it was so heavy my dad and I were the only people able to fix it. after years of this evil menace my parents(and grandparents) took action. after lots $$$,lots of salemen, and months later. the mighty knights came riding on the large white truck, using only drills, hammers, caulk(Which the evil spirit of the door put on my siblings fingers), and crowbars the evil drag...... door was defeated (here is it's picture.)

But that's not all. the evil drag.... door threated to make our deck look ugly, and leave a large gap in our wall. But then a magical fair.... door clothed in white restored the health of the brave knights who carried the evil dragon away. I mean door. and covered the ugly gap in our house.
which ironicaly, makes our house look ugly because it is so white.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Halfway Over Already!

Summer is over halfway over. How can this be? I feel like it
started two weeks ago! Have you noticed that when it's
Summer you want it to be Winter and vice-versa. Well
I can't think of anything else except the fact that Rexford
is hitting me with a cat toy and stabbing me AGAIN!
(Evil laughter in the background)

Kung-fu rocks!!!!!

We watch some kung-fu movies like Iron monkey, The legened, Wing Chun, and Shaolin Soccer they are all very cool. My goal in kung-fu,tae kwon do is to be as good as Grand Master Kim,Chou Tsrung(I hope I spelled that Right),or sifu Jimmy would be cool.

Dog's rule

Doesn't everyone love the Purina Puppy Chow commercial the dog's are sooo cute and doesn't everyone think thier moto is cool Dog's rule it's is very true don't you think.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Ice cream mmm!!!!!

This week we have bean eating a lot of ice cream, my wonderful!!! mother made waffle cone's. And everyone know's my mother is such a wonderful cook you all know how good they would taste.also you know she should be voted best cook in the universe!!!!!.She is soooo!!! much better than chef ramsse from Hell's kitchen.

p.s. He was voted best cook in England 5 times and he stink's even Minnesota's food is better.

p.s. my mom like's him but I think that's crazy.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Q:What do cats and the left have in common?

A: No sense of morality
Now you can't blame the cats, they have no soul and very little emotion.(Well mine does at least) For example; My cat, Harley, Broke into a cabinent last night and had a midnight snack( Meal ). Bad cat. however in the wild cats have to find food, it doesn't come in a dish at 8:00 every night, so you could say it was acting with it's instinct. now watch when a human goes by instinct (Human nature).
His last name is kinda ironic no?

P.S. I was right my brothers have lost interest already in blogging! ( Please comment motivational comments!)

Friday, July 15, 2005

How will we survive!?

We've done it. Our cord to charge our laptop has finally blow out. We are doomed to use our desktop for at least three days! My mom called dell 2 days ago and found that the cord was under warranty. We went to TKD today and when we got home we had a note saying because we weren't home they would give us the cord in a few days instead of today! Now I could be like most people and say we live in America and we are spoiled. But that wouldn't be any fun now would it. *sniff*

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Lakes are gross

We just got back from the lake, the gross lake that has plants in it. Who in the world would put plants in a lake!?!? I'm running out of time my brother Isaac wants*smack*sorry, I got up and Isaac was about to finish my Fantanstic, wonderful, witty, and very modest post. Did I mention that I am the most humble in my family:) NOW I will get off so my brother can post.

More pointless posts coming to a computer near you!

It is almost over!!!!!!!!!!

We are almost done with yellow book it is sooo!!!tiring today we get to go the lake to be able to relax.It might not seem & or sound tiring but it is!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Guys with skills?

Today when we were deciding on what to name our blog my Mom said " How about Guys with Skills." I didn't like it but Rexford and Isaac wanted that name and I couldn't think of anything(as usual) so the name stuck. Anyway,I don't have anything else to add except Rexford and Isaac are acting like ninjas and stabbing me (as usual).

Which one

This is a quiz which is your favorite golden retriver,border collie,or,beagle p.s. mine is bodrer collie.

Our First Post

Yay! Our first post! We have just started our blog. I will probably blog the most out of all my brothers because they will lose interest very quickly. (Don't you just love motivational speeches!) My Mom, Random Siblings, and I have been delivering "yellow books" all day Today, Tuesday, and Monday, It is very tiring. Tomorrow we don't have to deliver anything! We get to clean the house:( Well, I have to get off now so my brothers can blog.
(Don't belive anything mean they say about me.)